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No. Never use the words treat, cure, prevent or heal. Never refer to any medical term, diagnosis or disease. Using these non-compliant terms is against the law according the to FDA (the Food and Drug Administration). If you refer to any medical term, diagnosis or disease in relation to any of our products you are stating our product is a drug, which they are not. As a Field Executive you are only permitted to state what our company is permitted to state. Even testimonials made on your own, even if you believe them to be true, must not refer to any medical term, diagnosis or disease. ONLY medical doctors may refer to medical terms. Use the chart below to stay compliant.
Here’s a great chart to help you learn the art of substituting. Substitute illegal terms with compliant, legal phrases to keep your business and Essanté Organics safe:
For marketing purposes, we highly recommend you advertise "top paying positions" and "top paying careers". Posting one of our prewritten classified ads, using your 1-800#, and then speak to each person who leaves a message and schedule a specific time for them to take the company video tour at (or scheduling a time for them to review COMPANY - CAREERS page on this webiste). Advertising careers is exciting, because it supplies the #1 demand: people need income and a way to retire earlier. The company video tour is only 12 minutes and it features our product divisions, so anyone not looking for income will automatically see how to become a toxic free customer.
Secondly, when advertising products, we recommend promoting the products that earn you the most commission and are in highest demand including:
Go-Green Packs, The z3 Anti-Aging Trio, Super Reds Powder, Earth Greens Powder (then Capsules), Supreme pH, etc. View the Pricing Guide at the back of your catalog and choose to advertise the items with the highest commission points. All of the Go-Green Packs (inside JOIN & SAVE under Organic Brand Partner) are our top sellers, because they offer products at below wholesale (the best deal for the buyer, they can save up to $400) and Go-Green Packs offer the highest commission - a $50 or $100 commission - to every Qualified Executive (Brand Partner) who sells one. No limit. Paid weekly. 75 PSV (Personal points and/or Retail points) required to qualify for Go-Green Pack commissions.
The Top Go-Green Pack best sellers sold on your JOIN & SAVE page are:
the Top individual product best sellers sold inside your SHOP are:
The above products are great to sample out. Each is considered a great "lead in" to your entire product line. Order our sample containers, fill them and pass them out. By design, VIP Green Carpet Event Packs have shot glasses to sample out delicious Super Reds Shots. And here's a final great "lead in" and conversation starter: Take a stunning, cobalt blue bottle of Supreme pH Drops everywhere you go. Show it off by alkalizing every beverage you drink, add drops in front of everyone, at every restaurant, party, and dinner gathering. Trust us, they will ask what it is. And it's one of your top products that earns you the most commission. Have a catalog ready and schedule a time for them to watch (which is listed on the back panel of each catalog). Teach this to your team and your team will purchase and sell more Supreme pH Drops. Happy advertising Wellness Warrior!
You may share this: The "approximate" ORAC value / score of Super Reds Powder is "up to 202,000"
Both. Essanté Organics offers certified organic products and products that have certified organic ingredients.
CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCTSOur certified organic products include a 3rd party certified organic seal on the front or back of the product. For example:1. Organic Essential Oils: certified organic by Baystate Organic Certifiers and Organic Certifiers 2. Organic pHreshen Up Deodorant: certified organic by Clemson University 3. Organic Boxed body bars: certified organic by Vermont Organic Farmers4. Organic Lip Balms: certified organic by Orgegon Tilth To confirm each organic certification view COMPANY - GUARANTEE & GREEN SEALS and follow the directions under the USDA Organic seal.
CERTIFIED ORGANIC INGREDIENTSOur certified organic ingredients are denoted with the word organic in front of the ingredient or, if label space is limited, with an * after the ingredient. Organic certifications follow each ingredient (not each product). Essanté Organics' ingredient certifications are from reputable 3rd party organizations including: USDA NOP (National Organic Program), Vermont Organic Farmers, Clemson University Organic, TFF (ToxicFree™ Foundation), Eco-Cert (Certification for Sustainable Development) and more. Organic ingredient certifications are located in each Executive's Back Office.
LABELSWe proudly display all labels and ingredient decks on the website inside SHOP next to each product photo.
QUALITY COMMITMENT All Essanté Organics' ingredients are 100% plant or mineral derived, free from toxins, non-GMO & never tested on animals. Ingredients without the word organic (or an *) are certified ToxicFree or wildcrafted. Please view COMPANY - GUARANTEE & GREEN SEALS to discover wildcrafting, our Green Peace Award, our biodegradable vegetable oil packing peanuts, and more.
You cannot taste stevia or any stevia aftertaste in our products, guaranteed. If you experience an aftertaste with another company's product, it's typically because they are using a cheap, pesticide laden form of the stevia plant (read below).
Essanté Organics understands there are many health benefits of raw, organic stevia leaves. This .pdf by Food Insight shares the safety of stevia: CLICK HERE (right click to copy link address). Multiple board certified doctors share stevia is safe for pregnant / breast feeding / nursing moms and children of all ages: CLICK HERE (right click to copy link address). Discover the health benefits of stevia, the most alkaline sweetener in the world, as shared inside our 7.365 pH Shake document: CLICK HERE (right click to copy link address).
What is stevia and what form, format, or kind of stevia does Essanté Organics use?
The stevia plant is an herb (plant) that comes from the sunflower family. It helps reduce appetite and improve blood sugar levels. Stevia comes in many forms, from fresh leaves, to dried leaves, to powder extracts, to liquids. Most formulators base their choice on the amount of sweetness desired, versatility, and the amount they wish to spend on the ingredient. Our raw, cold-pressed, wildcrafted or organic stevia extract powder is the finest, sweetest, healthiest, most nutrient dense, and delicious form of Stevia. When you taste the right stevia, it tastes like a million bucks. High quality stevia, like ours, is known for having zero aftertaste. Whole leaf stevia is not FDA approved for use in foods, however stevia extract is FDA approved.
Essanté Organics starts with fresh, indigenously wildcrafted or certified organic, raw stevia leaves which are cold-pressed to gain pure raw stevia leaf extract. This fine powder is an extract of the sweet glycosides (natural sweetening agents) within the stevia leaf. We use stevia leaf extract in all of our formulations including 7.365 pH Shakes, Super Reds Powder, and Sparkle Tooth Polish.
Raw stevia extract does not raise blood insulin levels, it scores a zero on the glycemic index, and it is far sweeter and healthier than honey or sugar. Stevia extract is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar by weight. The cold-pressed extraction process makes stevia far sweeter than the leaf itself, and it allows our stevia to retain all of its nutritional content and healthy benefits, including its ability to help reduce appetite. We also choose stevia because it is the most alkaline sweetener on earth and naturally has zero calories.
What are the health benefits of stevia?
We could write a book yet here's the "skinny": Stevia leaves contain potassium, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B3. Based on nutrition facts, stevia is fibrous and, its fiber can help reduce slow or hard bowel movements and it can promote healthy, proper digestion. Stevia contains 702 ppm (parts per million) of iron, which can stimulate the production of hemoglobin. Studies suggest large doses of stevioside, one of the sweet compounds in stevia, can help reduce unnaturally high blood pressure. Stevioside can also help improve hormone and insulin function, resulting in lower blood sugar levels. If you have type 2 diabetes, consult your physician because s/he may share stevia can be useful in helping to maintain normal insulin levels. Stevia has an outstanding safety profile and no adverse effects have been reported in human studies. This cannot be said for most synthetic options and ingredients on the market today.
Why doesn't Essanté Organics use aspartame, is it dangerous?
Essanté Organics does not believe in the use of synthetic ingredients including Aspartame. Aspartame is one of the most common artificial sweeteners used today and it is sold under the brand names NutraSweet® and Equal®. There is great controversy over the safety of this synthetic sweetener. Many claim it is completely safe and many claim is has a long list of serious side effects. This document is particularly interesting: CLICK HERE (right click to copy link address).
Why doesn't Essanté Organics use sucralose, is it dangerous?
Essanté Organics does not believe in the use of synthetic ingredients including Sucralose. Sucralose is a common artificial sweetener used today and it is made by Johnson & Johnson and sold under the brand name Splenda®. There is great controversy over the safety of this synthetic sweetener. Many claim it is completely safe and many claim is has serious side effects including a possible link to leukemia. This article outlines an interesting italian study and the point of view of The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI): CLICK HERE (right click to copy link address).
Yes. Bee Natural is a prebiotic and a sublingual B vitamin that improves energy. There are no added sugars in Bee Natural. There are naturally occurring sugars in the Bee Pollen and Honey however, and for this reason each Bee Natural Tablet, there are 0.28g of naturally occurring sugars.
The Royal Jelly in Essanté Organics Bee Natural (dissolvable tablets) is a complete protein, an excellent source of all the B vitamins, and so much more. Royal Jelly contains all of the B-complex vitamins in significant enough proportions to act as a supplement, according to Leigh Broadhurst in the book, "User's Guide to Propolis, Royal Jelly, Honey and Bee Pollen."
Royal Jelly is a nutritional and vitamin powerhouse containing the following:
Royal Jelly is particularly high in all of the B vitamins: B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-9 and B-12. The formal names of these B vitamins are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate or folic acid and cobalamin. The B-complex vitamins are derived from food and plant sources and they are necessary for energy and chemical synthesis, protein regulation, enzymatic activity, and other bodily functions. For example, the B vitamin pantothenic acid, is recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels and reverse the graying of hair, according to several published studies at According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one gram of Royal Jelly contains the following amounts of vitamins:
There are approximately 60,000 micrograms (60 milligrams or mg) of Royal Jelly in just two tablets of Essanté Organics Bee Natural. Again, a significant B vitamin supplement according to the sources listed in the User's Guide to Propolis, Royal Jelly, Honey and Bee Pollen. All of these vital nutrients are the ingredients that make up Essanté Organics Bee Natural.
Royal Jelly is created by bees as the exclusive food source for the queen bee. It is naturally high in protein. Royal Jelly is well known as a complete protein and perfectly balanced food because of the many vital compounds it contains including: 12.3% protein, 5.5% fat and 12 - 15% carbohydrates. It contains natural hormones which can support libido and normalize body temperature. Royal Jelly shines brightly as a nutritional superstar because it also contains a network of dense nutritive elements including: essential sugars, nucleic acids, vegetable gelatin, gamma globulin, flavonoids, phytosterols, collagen, human growth hormone, and other fascinating nutrients, 3 percent worth, that are pronounced "unidentifiable" by modern day scientists.
All products containing honey, including Bee Natural, should not be consumed by children under 1 year of age, as they do not yet have a developed digestive system capable of processing botulism spores sometimes present in honey. Only a mature intestinal tract, in humans over 12 months old, can safely process honey that may contain botulism spores.
If someone is showing a very high (highest) alkaline level, is that a problem? Does he/she need to lower their alkaline level to the range or level recommended for the human body?
No, staying in the sun does not speed up Sun Shine Lotion's ability to work and bronze your skin. While Sun Shine is not a sun screen, you may apply Sun Shine Lotion and, if you choose to, you may also go into the sun. Going in the sun with Sun Shine Lotion on will allow you to receive tanning in two ways:
Are Power Pops just for people who want to lose weight and are they a good choice for people looking to gain healthy weight?
No. This product is not a sun screen and we cannot guarantee it will stop all UV rays. About Sun Shine: Welcome to simple, quick, dazzling, 100% Certified Toxic Free tanning - no sun needed! Sun Shine is the first of its kind; it is the very first chemical free self tanning lotion in the world! Sun Shine, Essanté Organics' 100% certified Toxic Free Self Tanning & Bronzing Lotion, gives everyone a dazzling bronze tan. Sun Shine is a freshly scented, rich, white, creamy hydrating lotion with Chicory Root to help increase your skin's Vitamin D receptors for a truly healthy golden glow - without going in the sun. Plus, due to the increased Vitamin D uptake, you can also experience a higher level of immunity too. Sun Shine is a stand alone moisturizing and self tanning product that can be used by itself all over the body including the face. It is 100% Certified Toxic Free, odorless, colorless (white), will not streak, will not stain clothes, and will not come off in the shower. Sun Shine is cumulative, and you may reapply it daily until you reach your desired skin tone tan. It is formulated so you may use it every day, 365 days a year, without pause. Yet, even just one application will typically last up to 4 days. Prior to using Sun Shine: We recommend using Essanté Organics Bamboo Experience Liquid Luffa, to exfoliate and remove any flaky dead skin cells, prior to applying Sun Shine, yet it is not necessary. We also recommend taking your bath or shower first, then applying Sun Shine afterwards. After using Sun Shine we recommend washing the palms of your hands thoroughly and drying them. After applying Sun Shine and allowing it to dry, many enjoy also applying Rejuvenate Facial Moisturizer or z3 Facial Moisturizer afterwards. Sun Shine is 100% certified Toxic Free without harmful chemical ingredients found in other self tanners. It helps increase your skin's vitamin D receptors & in turn can boost immunity. No more dangerous tanning beds, no harmful UV sun rays, no time commitment or weather constraints, no typical self-tanner smell either - it has a clean fresh scent. Sun Shine does not streak and it is ideal for all skin types. It creates a mild tan & is designed for every day use - you can't over do it.
No none of our products have SPF or are considered sun screens. Yet we do use ingredients from nature which are scientifically proven to have some UV sun ray blocking abilities & which are know to assist with reversing the signs of sun damaged skin:
Will there be new Go-Green Packs created, for example an Essential Oils or Baby Care Pack or will we have the option to customize a Go-Green Pack?
No. We only offer a small selection of Go-Green Packs (GGPs), by design, for the following reasons:
Why is Essanté Organics Jojoba Carrier / Massage Oil the finest in the world with a high end price point?
There is a critical shortage of jojoba oil at present and we have a limited supply. Other suppliers may not be aware of the shortage, and thus have not adjusted their pricing accordingly. As more organic wild crafted regions and organic farms become available, our supply of this revered oil will also increase. We batch in smaller quantities, and while this is more expensive, it ensures the freshest quality possible. In addition our method of extraction is unrefined, the most expensive, yet pure method possible for extraction. The properties of our sacred Jojoba Oil are exceptional: odorless, easy to apply, golden color, rich antioxidant makeup, does not stain sheets or clothing, does not leave a residue on the skin, absorbs fully, has a 36 month shelf life and is safe for infants to elderly. Unscented Essanté Organics sacred, premier grade, golden Jojoba oil is 100% USDA Certified Organic. Jojoba Oil is the #1 used carrier and massage oil recommended by massage and aroma therapists to dilute and apply essential oils to the skin. Perhaps the exceptional glide, perfect silky feel, and full absorption is due to Jojoba's fatty acid profile; it is almost identical to ours. The Jojoba shrub grows in the most arid regions of the world including Arizona, where corporate is headquartered. Our organic Jojoba seeds, made of 50% precious oil, are harvested at the peak of the season, then meticulously pressed by our artisan pressers to create one of the most antioxidant rich massage and carrier oils in the world. As you experience Essanté Organics USDA Certified Organic Jojoba oil, it will be forever remembered and requested often.
The Fatty Acid Composition of Essante Organics Jojoba Oil is superior:
No, Stevia, the healthiest most alkaline sweetener in the world, typically does have an aftertaste, yet it does not transfer to our products. Our CMO personally dislikes the taste of Stevia greatly, yet our Super Reds Powder and 7.365 pH Shakes are outstandingly delicious and Stevia is not a detectable taste within our products. All products using Stevia are formulated in a way which the aftertaste is 100% not present. We offer a 30 day satisfaction guarantee if you or your customer wish to try our products first, to determine if the taste is truly one they will love. Our guarantee allows customers to judge us based on our products, not based on what they have encountered in other company's formulations in the past. See the bottom of the JOIN page for our guarantee.
Surfactants are cleansing compounds that allow water to wash away oil and dirt, by lowering the surface tension between the water and the ingredient, making it easier to wet and cleanse your face, body and hair. For example, the surfactant cocamidopropyl betaine is like a beautiful coin with two sides: it is lipophilic (oil loving) as well as hydrophilic (water loving). This unique property gives this ingredient the ability to remove dirt and oil from skin & hair. Some surfactants are known to be much harsher on the skin than others, yet Essanté Organics only chooses surfactants / cleansers that are mild, effective and 100% free from toxins. Some surfactants contain contaminants that can be harsh on skin. Yet our surfactants are unique because they are derived from wild crafted plants, minerals, etc., which are free from toxins.
For example Our surfactants cocamidopropyl betaine (CB) and cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine (CAHS) are unique because each is derived from wild crafted coconut oil: sourced from regions where coconuts are wild grown, 100% free from toxins and untouched by man-made farming practices. In addition, all Essanté Organics ingredients, including our surfactants, are micro tested twice: at the raw ingredient level (the raw ingredient is tested at the purchase level) and at the batched product level (the completed product is tested before shipping). Our extensive testing, from the sourcing level through the production of the end product, ensures each product is 100% free from contamination and harmful toxins. Enjoy the page on your website titled Products – Quality Commitment.
We are often asked what makes us different or better. Here are the top reasons (in an organic nutshell): our unwavering commitment to quality, our vow to authenticate purity through reputable 3rd party certifiers, our practice of always delivering competitive prices, our promise to validate efficacy through 3rd parties, and commitment to never self-regulate (produce our own in-house certifications), and our track record of paying top dollar for referrals. In addition, please enjoy and share the important details on exactly how we differentiate ourselves from other companies by viewing the information on our website including Guarantee and Green Seals which shares:
This inforamtion is also inside Products - Shop - Essential Oils (click the product image and enjoy the details page) which includes the Essential Oil Guide information:
Enjoy Don't Bug Me! Bug Spray & Repellent. It repels (and may kill) almost every bug that bugs you! Check out the efficacy test under the Deep Dive section of Don't Bug Me! to see how it is scientifically proven to repel mosquitos and ticks.
Eradicate grasshoppers, beetles, dust mites and crickets by killing them, their eggs and the mold, mildew and fungus they feed on, by using Cedarwood oil. Cedarwood oil is a natural fungicide and microbicide that kills mold and mildew spores on all surfaces, even porous materials. Direct treatment kills bugs on contact, so you can avoid using dangerous chemical sprays that can cause lung disorders in adults, children and pets. Cedarwood oil has a long term repellent effect also, insects hate the smell and the killing effect. Wide area treatment establishes a lasting barrier that discourages new crickets from entering the sprayed area. Crickets nest in dark, damp places where there’s plenty of mold to eat, typically under elevated structures where sunlight cannot penetrate and moisture is trapped. On hot days, they may jump into your home to escape the extreme heat.
hotels often use Cedarwood oil to eradicate bedbugs, dust mites and mold.
Pet owners and Veterinarians:
both use Cedarwood oil to kill fleas, ticks and mites on dogs and other large animals.
Indoor insect spray:
Add 20 drops of Cedarwood oil to a 4oz spray bottle of NaPCA Mist. Order our trigger sprayer and attach the trigger sprayer to the bottle of NaPCA Mist for easy, quick spraying. Spray the perimeter of your basement or baseboards, and the seams where walls and ceilings and window frames meet. We recommend ordering our trigger sprayer.
Outdoor insect spray:
Add 40 drops of Cedarwood oil to a 4oz spray bottle of NaPCA Mist. Order our trigger sprayer and attach the trigger sprayer to the bottle of NaPCA Mist for easy, quick spraying. Spray the perimeter of your home and all dark damp places. A good treatment early in the spring can prevent future infestation. Do not spray on grass or plants as it may be too strong and can kill foliage.
Animal use:
Use Cedarwood oil on dogs older than 6 months of age & large animals only. Do not use Cedarwood oil in households with cats. While our essential oils are 100 % organic and environmentally safe, and although allergic reactions are rare, Cedarwood oil is NOT to be used on cats, either directly or indirectly, due to their missing liver enzymes which prevent proper metabolizing of this and many oils (see safe oils for cats below). Nor is Cedarwood oil recommended for use on very small pets such as: Hamsters, Gerbils, Rodents, Guinea Pigs, Spiders, Tarantulas, Snakes and many other small animals. For these small animals, consult your veterinarian for more appropriate methods. Only use Cedarwood oil on humans, horses, cattle, and dogs older than 6 months of age. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cedarwood oil has been registered as pesticide since 1960. The EPA defines a pesticide as any substance intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating the effect of any pest. Cedarwood oil does not kill fleas; it only works as a natural agent to repel them. You may add Cedarwood oil to pet shampoo or our 4oz NaPCA Mist (to spray bedding, etc.). You should add Cedarwood oil drops according to your animal's weight. For a 10 pound animal, use 1 drop of Cedarwood oil per 50 drops of carrier oil or mist. Some animals are allergic to Cedarwood oil. As a pet owner, you will discover if this is true of your pet if he is exposed to Cedarwood oil. Take a moderate approach when beginning to use Cedarwood oil to determine if your pet is susceptible. Possible symptoms to watch for are watery eyes, runny nose and excessive scratching. Discontinue the use of Cedarwood oil if you believe your pet may be allergic.
Clary Sage
Idaho Balsam Fir
Roman Chamomile
Consult your aromatherapist for proper dilution and application. Consult your veterinarian before using any product on any pet.
These are medical conditions and diagnoses, and per the FDA we are not able to use these terms, so let’s talk about supporting a healthy scalp and skin and eliminating itchy, flakey skin.
What is dandruff:
dandruff (also seborrheic dermatitis, seborrhea, seborrheic eczma, sebopsoriasis, pityriasis capitis) is a common dry scalp condition which usually includes irritation and inflammation resulting in the shedding of dead skin cells or flaking of white to yellowish skin scales, often followed by itching and occasionally reddened skin. Dandruff can occur in other places besides the scalp such as the ears, face, chest and skin folds. Even bald heads can be afflicted. Dandruff can occur at any age, in any race or ethnicity, and it has touched almost every global region. Dandruff is primarily a cosmetic problem and is not considered a serious condition. Cradle cap is the term used when this condition affects the scalp of infants. It is more common in men, and individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and AIDS.
What causes dandruff:
the hair itself does not cause dandruff, it is caused when the scalp becomes over dry. Scientists are not sure what causes dandruff, yet they theorize one or more of the following causes it: over washing hair, the use of harsh chemicals, yeast-like organisms, hormones and/or stress.
Problem #1: Dandruff is caused by excessive shampooing (and use of other products) especially products containing harsh chemicals. Using shampoos, hairsprays, gels and coloring agents with harsh chemicals, such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), is proven to irritate the scalp and dry it out, exacerbating many skin conditions, including dandruff. Over shampooing or daily shampooing often robs the scalp of its naturally occurring oils.
Solution #1: Use chemical free products and allow them time to work. To allow the scalp to produce its healthy essential oils it is best to shampoo less, 2-3 times a week. In between shampoos, to avoid looking oily, rub pH balanced baking soda or organic corn starch into the roots of your hair. This will also give you lift and volume. Use Essanté Organics 100% chemical free Shampoo, Conditioner, Restore Leave-In Hair Serum and Captivate Hair Gel. Allow time for treatments to penetrate and work. Apply NourishMint Conditioner (with organic Peppermint Essential Oil) to your scalp and hair and leave it in for 5 minutes before rinsing. Continue use for at least 90 days. All Essanté Organics hair care products contain powerful toxic free botanicals proven to minimize or eliminate skin conditions. Enjoy the testimonials at you follow this regimen your scalp should begin producing its own natural essential oils, leaving the skin on your head well moisturized and free from flakes. The organic Peppermint Essential Oil in NourishMint Conditioner will initially tingle greatly if you are not pH balanced. Over time, as your skin becomes pH balanced, the tingle will lessen, a telling sign that you are becoming healthier.
Problem #2: Dandruff is caused by hormonal imbalances and low pH levels. Products containing hormone disrupting ingredients and chemicals including parabens and soy can lead to hormonal imbalance. A poor diet including fatty, sugary and acidic foods and beverages can result in a low pH level.
Solution #2: Use pH balanced nutrition products and allow them time to work. Use Essanté Organics Bee Natural Tabs. They are sweet, melt-in-your-mouth tablets and they are excellent for hormone support. Enjoy the testimonials on Use Essanté Organics Supreme pH Drops and pH Test Kit to monitor and regulate your pH level. 7.365 is perfect pH or Alkalinity for humans. Read about the health benefits of all Essanté Organics pH Nutrition Products (see the online catalog or shop).
Problem #3: Dandruff is caused by 2 fungi, pitrosporum ovale and malassezia globosa. These fungi usually live on our body at all times without causing issues. However, if they become overgrown, they cause skin conditions including dandruff.
Solution #3: Use chemical free anti-fungal agents to kill excess fungi.
Use Essanté Organics Sanitizer Spray to instantly kill fungi, bacteria and viruses on contact. In addition, use Super Reds Powder as a delicious yet powerful internal anti-fungal. And use Essanté Organics USDA Organic Essential Oils with anti-fungal properties including: Clove Bud and Tea Tree and Cedarwood Atlas. Add 5 drops of each directly into your shampoo or conditioner or both. Or add 5 drops of each into a 4oz Jojoba carrier oil or 4oz NaPCA Mist and rub well into the scalp (avoid getting it in the rest of your hair). Leave in for one hour, remove by shampooing. Shampoos with at least 5% tea tree oil have been shown to effectively treat dandruff according to several medical studies at
Brush your hair more frequently from the scalp to the tips. Brushing your hair after you shower, midday and before bed will help stimulate and distribute the oils which naturally occur in your scalp, and it will distribute the oils over the entire surface of your head.
Avoid stress and stressful situations. Stress can cause dandruff so take healthy measures that are proven to relieve stress including morning exercise, a midday walk after lunch, enjoying Happiness Essential Oil in a diffuser at night, getting plenty of sleep, etc.
Eat healthy foods. What you put into your body has an impact on what your body produces and how it responds. Eating an overabundance of unhealthy fast foods and sugary foods, etc. will often result in many skin conditions including acne, dandruff, psoriasis, etc.
How can I treat my dandruff: Medical treatment of dandruff usually consists of shampoos containing toxic chemicals including: salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, or coal tar. Medical doctors also recommend steroid creams, yet these cannot be used long term due to the many cumulative side effects. Essanté Organics USDA organic essential oils are a natural alternative, which allow many people to experience a healthy scalp. Essential oils are the concentrated “immune system” of plants and herbs. Essential oils with properties that support a healthy scalp and assist with flakey skin include: tea tree, cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, patchouli, and Roman chamomile essential oil. These oils can be used individually or in combination to reverse your scalp condition(s).
Do not use the following essential oils on newborns, infants or any child under the age of 10. Consult your pediatrician and aromatherapist before using essential oils on children under 10. Please refer to the instant answer for “Which oils are safe for children” or “age chart”:
Clove Bud essential oil has powerful anti-fungal properties
Tea Tree essential oil has powerful anti-fungal properties
Cedarwood Atlas essential oil has powerful anti-fungal properties
Peppermint can calm inflammation, relieve itching, & has a cooling effect
Lavender has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, & revitalizing properties. It is used for all types of skin disorders.
Patchouli has anti-fungal properties and is great on dry skin. It also helps to stimulate new tissue growth.
Rosemary increases circulation to the scalp and is a common component of commercial shampoos.
Roman chamomile can be used to clam dry itchy skin. It also has a calming effect on the psyche.
Stop the fungal frenzy recipe: use Essanté Organics USDA Organic Essential Oils with anti-fungal properties including Clove Bud and Tea Tree and Cedarwood Atlas. Add 5 drops of each directly into your shampoo or conditioner or both. Or add 5 drops of each into a 4oz Jojoba carrier oil or 4oz NaPCA Mist and rub well into the scalp (avoid getting it in the rest of your hair). Leave in for one hour, remove by shampooing. Shampoos with at least 5% tea tree oil have been shown to effectively treat dandruff according to several medical studies at
3x a week recipe: add 4 drops of each of the above essential oils into your 8 oz MangoBerry Shampoo or 8 oz NourishMint Conditioner and use 3x a week (if you don’t like the smell of one you may increase the drops of your preferred choice – simply add 16 drops of any combination of the essential oils listed above).
Overnight recipe: Add 4 drops of any of the above essential oils to 1 ounce of Jojoba carrier oil and massage into your scalp. Leave the treatment on overnight. In the morning, shampoo using MangoBerry Shampoo Concentrate and condition using NourishMint Conditioner.
Apple cider vinegar recipe: Add three drops of any of the above essential oils per each one ounce of apple cider vinegar, soak hair and scalp then rinse. After rinsing, leave it sit on your hair and scalp for 5 minutes, then shampoo and condition as usual.
Recipe for skin conditions seborrhea dermatitis on the face or body: make a bath oil or a massage oil by mixing three to four drops of each therapeutic essential oil (above) to one ounce of Jojoba carrier oil, then add to bath water or massage directly into areas of concern (no need to rinse off, allow the bath oil or massage oil to remain on your skin).
With scalp conditions practice persistence and patience: you can expect these recipes to deliver improvement and often times correction within 3-4 weeks. It’s important to avoid other issues that may be exacerbating an unhealthy scalp including: shampooing too frequently or infrequently (2-3 times a week is best) or using heavy, oil-based products that clog hair follicles.
Safety references for Essential Oils:
Safest methods:
Never ingest essential oils. Misting or diffusing essential oils is safer than topical application. Avoid all essential oils that can trigger a young child’s autonomic breathing and brain activity (see the section below titled “Use extra caution with newborns up to age 10).
Dilution is mandatory:
All essential oils must be diluted before use on children of all ages, without exception. Dilute one essential oil in 1 oz of carrier oil as follows:
Reference: Robert Tisserand’s newest edition of Essential Oil Safety
Do not use the following oils on children under 3 years old:
Bay Leaf
Cinnamon Bark
Clove Bud
Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus Globules
All blends that include any of above including Coat of Armor
Do not use the following oils topically on children under 5 years old:
All blends that include any of the above including Coat of Armor
Use extra caution with newborns up to age 10:
Children are smaller in size and have more permeable skin, thus therapeutic essential oils have a quicker and far stronger effect on children. Some powerful oils, including Peppermint and Eucalyptus, can trigger a child’s autonomic reflex and can significantly slow down the child’s brain, heart, lungs, circulation and breathing. In addition, the child’s liver and kidneys should not be overtaxed with anything in excess, including but not limited to essential oils, because much of what goes into their small bodies is processed through the liver and kidneys and, over time, damage can occur to one or both of these organs if they are overtaxed. For these reasons, practice extra caution and understand “less-is-best” when using essential oils on newborns, infants, babies, toddlers, children and adolescents.
Essential oils are safe for children 10+ years:
By this age, most essential oils are safe for topical use or diffusion for children, though you should always be sure to slowly introduce each oil individually, to be sure there are no adverse reactions or allergies. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils are all avoided in younger children because they contain a chemical constituent called cineol 1,8 and menthol. According to Robert Tisserand, in the newest edition of Essential Oil Safety.
Diaper Rash:
• Add 5 drops Essanté Organics USDA Organic Lavender Essential Oil to 2 oz. Essante Organics Baby Lotion: apply to skin• Add 20 drops of Lavender Oil to 8 oz. Essanté Organics Baby Wash & Body Foam: apply to skin • Baby Wash & Body Foam includes Stabilized Oxygen which can help kill bacteria: see the efficacy sheet next the to product inside "Info & Studies"
When choosing a healthy alternative to aid with congestion, for children over age 2, Pine, Spruce, Fir, and Cypress essential oils are good alternatives to Eucalyptus and Peppermint essential oils. Avoid Ponderosa (Huon) Pine.
Mist diluted German Chamomile straight on baby’s gums for teething relief. Or diluted Lavender essential oil can be applied externally to baby’s jaw line or cheek for teething relief.
Bath Tub Time:
It is important to note, when adding essential oils to a child’s (or adult’s) bath water, the essential oil must first be diluted in a water-soluble carrier, such as raw unfiltered honey or vegetable glycerin. Adding essential oils straight to bathing water, without a carrier, can cause skin irritation, as the oil will sit on top of the water.
Only massage the feet:
For safest topical application, it is ideal to massage a young baby’s feet with a diluted essential oil. Avoid applying oils to the neck, chest and back.
One essential oil at a time:
Slowly introduce one essential oil at a time. With all babies, most parents have not yet discovered possible allergies or sensitivities yet. Do not introduce more than one essential oil in one day. Signs of sensitivity, if present, will appear around 15 - 30 minutes after inhaling or applying a diluted essential oil.
How and when to use Coat of Armor:
Renowned author and Aromatherapist, Robert Tisserand, recommends the oils inside "Coat of Armor" not be used on children under 10 years old. The oils in this blend may be used after age 10, yet they must be diffused or diluted for safe topical application. For example, cinnamon bark essential oil, inside Coat of armor, should be avoided for dermal use in all ages, as it is too irritating to the skin. Dilute Coat of Armor and use it with your 10 year old (or older child) in one of the following ways:
How and when to use Eucalyptus:
For adults, eucalyptus oil is generally safe when applied to the skin and it’s wonderful when diffused. Do not apply eucalyptus oil, eucalyptus salve or eucalyptus chest rub on the face or nose or chest of any child under the age of 2. People with asthma, seizures, liver disease, kidney disease, or low blood pressure should not use eucalyptus without first talking to their doctor and Aromatherapist. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use eucalyptus. Eucalyptus oil is toxic when taken by mouth.
The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Consult your pediatrician and aromatherapist before using essential oils on children under 10 years of age.
Enjoy hundreds of testimonials at
Cellulitis is a medical condition and per the FDA we cannot refer to medical conditions, so let's talk about stopping bacteria. Sanitizer is the best product to use to kill many bacteria, fungi and viruses including the 2 bacteria that typically cause Cellulitis; streptococcus and staphylococcus. Refer to the efficacy sheet next to Sanitizer inside the "Info & Studies" tab. The best essential oils to use topically for cellulitis are Tee Tree oil and Frankincense, due to their antibacterial qualities. Refer to the pdf document "info & Studies" tab titled "How To Use Essential Oils". In addition one capsule of vitamin D each day is helpful in supporting immunity. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that forms on the skin when certain types of bacteria enter the skin through a lesion or crack in the skin. Typically cellulitis affects the skin on the lower legs, yet it can occur on any part of the body and may range in depth from the surface tissue, to the dermis layers, to the lymph nodes, and even the bloodstream. No matter the severity, symptoms include redness, swelling, tenderness, pain, warmth or heat to the touch, and fever. If the condition worsens, the area of redness may expand. Additionally, small red spots or broken blisters may appear on the affected skin. Complication can occur if left untreated. Implementing healthy lifestyle choices including Sanitizer, Tea Tree and Frankincense Essential Oils and Vitamin D can benefit and support a healthy body.
UTI or Uterine Tract Infection is a medical condition and per the FDA we cannot refer to medical conditions, so let's talk about female infections. Place several drops of Cedarwood oil in Jojoba Oil or Citrus Body Butter & rub onto belly or add to NaPCA and mist the belly. Please refer to the PDF titled "How to Use Essential Oils" next to each oil inside the tab titled "Info and Studies" for drops per carrier ratio.
The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Ask your medical doctor, health care provider, nutritionist, and certified aroma therapist for their professional advise on the above.
Gelatin is a distinctive collagen protein that contains an unusually high level of the cyclic amino acids; proline and hydroxyproline. Collagen consists of three helical polypeptide chains connected by intermolecular cross links.
What is our Gelatin sourced from? Ours is sourced from USA deep sea Atlantic fish. Gelatin is obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen derived from the skin, connective tissue and bones of animals. The top four commercial sources of gelatin are Cowhide, Pork Skin, Fish Skin & Bones (ossein). Our gelatin is sourced and obtained from fish skin and fish bone, it is Kosher and Gluten Free.
Does Gelatin occur in nature? Gelatin does not occur freely in nature, and cannot be recovered from horns, hoofs and other non-collagen parts. There are no plant sources of gelatin, and there is no relationship between gelatin and vegetable gelatin (such as seaweed extracts), they are completely different.
How is our Gelatin made? Gelatin is recovered from collagen by partial purified hydrolysis. The purified form Gelatin is colorless, transparent, odorless and tasteless. It dissolves in hot water and forms a gel or jelly upon cooling. When placed in cold water, gelatin takes up five to ten times its own weight and swells to an elastic transparent mass.
Is all Gelatin the same?No. Our gelatin is Food Grade, Kosher, Gluten Free and meets regulations established by the U.S.A Food & Drug Administration and Health Canada. In addition, our "high bloom" gelatin is tested and “Graded” according to strength. The Grade is based on the “Bloom” test and the higher the Bloom number the higher the gel set. The Bloom is the measurement of force, in grams, required to depress a standard plunger 4mm into the surface of a 6.67% gelatin sample at 10ºC (50ºF). The firmer the set of gelatin, the higher the bloom strength. Gelatin is usually priced according to the gelling ability; consequently the higher the bloom, the higher the price. Gelatin can also be classified according to its ability to meet various testing standards. Our gelatin testing standards are established by the most current US Pharmacopoeia / National Formulary and the G.M.I.A. The N.F.
Tests Include:
Happiness Blend supports - relaxing, calming, anxiety, hyper children, stress, depression, uplifting
Bergamot supports - self love, self acceptance, self approval (see website for details)
Clove Bud supports - confidence, inner strength (see website for details)
Energy Blend supports - delivers strength, uplifts mood, euphoric (see website for details)
No. The term "Certified Organic" is owned by the US Government, specifically the USDA. For a product to legally use the term “Certified Organic”, all of the ingredients must be 100% USDA Organic certified ingredients. The USDA uses 90 organic certifying agencies. All products that are certified organic are verifiable. Simply email a photo of the certified organic label to the certifying agency listed on the back of the label. They wll email you and confrim that our prouct is certified organic. Examples of reputable, 3rd party organic certifiers include the QAI, Vermont Organic Farmers, Clemson University, Organic Certifiers, Ecocert, Baystate Organic Certifiers, etc. We also use certified Toxic Free ingredients and wild crafted ingredients. All ingredients are non-GMO plant or mineral derived, 100% free from toxic chemicals and are never tested on animals. Please enjoy the Guarantee and Green Seals page on your website to view details and what we stand for.
Many essential oils are too strong for animals because animals are smaller that humans and their systems are more sensitive. Do not use essential oils on animals without consulting your aromatherapist. The following oils are safe for dogs according to our aromatherapists:
Peace and Calming for dogs:
Mandarin and Frankincense are great for calming dogs. (Both Geranium and Peace and Harmony oils are not recommended for use with dogs). Frankincense is great to calm down dogs who are visiting the vet or experiencing a change in enviornment. Place one drop on the outer part of their ear with a q-tip swab. Or add a few drops to coconut oil and massage pads of feet.
Flea Repellent Spray for dogs / Warts on dogs:
Lemon is helpful in addressing warts on dogs. Add a few drops of lemon oil in a carrier such as jojoba oil. Also add to NcPCA Mist and use as a natural flea repellent spray.
Swelling / Spasms / Antiseptic / Aches / Circulation / Internal Cooling for dogs:
Peppermint oil placed into a carrier oil is helpful. It must be diluted with a carrier oil or spray. Peppermint is not safe for cats.
Please enjoy the product replay titled “Safe Essential Oils For Animals” - located at (bottom of the screen).
Yes and no. Some nutrients are lost when we cook any food, including our whole food products. This is one reason why Essanté Organics does not use heat during formulation. Yet, simple strategies such as steaming food rather than boiling, or broiling rather than frying, can significantly reduce the loss of nutrients when cooking food. The good news is, virtually all minerals stay in tact when you cook food. Cooked foods, even 7.365 pH Shake, Earth Greens and Super Reds will retain the same amount of almost every mineral including: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, and chromium. The only mineral that will decrease, if boiled, is potassium. Potassium is the the lone "rebel" mineral that will escape into boiling water. Knowing this, you are now aware cooked foods that contain our mineral rich pH balanced powders are indeed far more nutritious. The bad news however, is this: most vitamins are not strong enough to stand their ground or stick around once cooked. Here's the skinny:
HEAT destroys vitamins: A, E, C, Thiamin, B6, B12, Folate, and Pantothenic Acid.
BOILING destroys vitamins: C, B6, B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Biotin (& mineral potassium).
OIL / BUTTER (FAT) destroys vitamins: A, D, and E.
If you want the full nutrient spectrum from our powders simply sprinkle them on top of any cooked or raw food just prior to serving. Sprinkling Super Reds Powder or 7.365 pH Shake after the oatmeal is boiled vs. during the boiling process will make a healthy difference. Adding Super Reds Powder on top of cookies or pancakes after they are baked or fried vs. during the cooking process is best: Reds make a great substitute for "sprinkles". Adding Earth Greens Powder on top of cooked veggies as an add-a-spice, like "salt" or "pepper" is best.
Just remember, if you serve 2 stacks of pancakes to our corporate staff; stack #1 where the batter was mixed with 7.365 pH Shake then cooked, vs. stack #2 made without it... We will race each other, and dive fork over knife into stack #1. We bet your family will too! Please bring the organic maple syrup.
FREEZING OR FROZEN UPON DELIVERY IN WINTER MONTHS Freezing and flash freezing are popular ways to sustain high nutrient value in fruits and vegetables. For this reason we recommend frozen organic fruits and vegetables over canned. If one of our products is frozen (during shipping in the winter months) the quality, performance and integrity is not effected. Our universal product testing includes boiling point and freezing point testing, upon which we ensure each product still performs optimally after each. In the even any product is not performing to your satisfaction, please visit our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, located at the base of your website's JOIN page. We will gladly facilitate an exchange or refund with an RMA#, as outlined.
Perfume, like clothing and posture, is an extension of our selves. Cologne often boosts our confidence, enhances our mood, sheds our inhibitions and further defines us. Yet most on-the-shelf perfumes and colognes are comprised of neurotoxins and carcinogenic ingredients. So if you’re ready to stop giving your money to Ulta Cosmetics, Nordstroms, etc. If you’re ready to venture into your own, healthy Essanté Organics Store… here’s what to do:
Candida is a medical condition and diagnosis, and per the FDA, only doctors can use diagnoses and medical terms. So let’s talk about what to do if there is an overproduction or overgrowth of yeast in the body.
"After years of suffering with uncontrollable yeast infections, and with a futile effort to starve it out with diet alone, I now have zero issues & total control, thanks to fungal reducing and flora boosting Essanté Organics USDA organic essential oils of Bergamot, Lavender, Lemongrass, Tea Tree & Eucalyptus plus Sanitizer. Thanks Essanté Organics for covering all the bases! And you’re a terrific company work with." – Anonymous
What is a Yeast Infection or Candida?
Candida Albicans is the scientific name for a normally peaceful, harmonious and beneficial yeast-like fungus that organically lives throughout our entire digestive tract (from our mouth all the way down to our large intestine and rectum). It aids in digestion and nutrient absorption. Millions of Candida Albicans live, without causing any issues, inside healthy people with properly functioning immune systems and ample gut bacteria. Candida Albicans are harmless parasites, which we need to balance our body's ecosystem. However, if our immune system becomes weak, or if our biochemistry becomes imbalanced, yeast proliferation can occur. When Candida becomes overabundant, it begins to break down the intestinal walls, where it then can enter the bloodstream and organs. When this occurs it can produce toxic byproducts. When Candida Albicans transfers from yeast to a fungus invasion of the body, this issue is called Candidiasis. An overgrowth of Candida can cause Athlete’s Foot, toenail fungus, chronic fatigue, yeast infections, fibromyalgia and other health problems.
What causes Candida?
How do I find out if I have Candida?
A Gastrointestinal stool sample is the best way to determine if you have a Candida overgrowth.
What / Which Essanté Organics products should I use to reduce yeast?
We recommend the following products to help bring your immune system back to a healthy, strong state.
Use the following pH balancing products because according to the National Institute of Health, proper pH balance is necessary for health. In addition science shows that disease has a hard time growing in a pH balanced environment, yet thrives in an acidic environment. So help your body become perfectly pH balanced. Perfect pH for humans is 7.365 on the 0-14 pH scale. The following products will help improve your alkalinity (pH balance) and the test strips will help you monitor your progress. Read about pH balancing on the website or in the catalog and order:
Use Sanitizer spray topically. See the Efficacy Sheet showing a 99.99999% kill rate of Candida is posted next to the product on the website. Order:
Use fungal reducing and flora boosting Essanté Organics USDA organic essential oils:
Directions on how to use these essential oils:
Target and reduce the largest colony of yeast:
The colon is the main organ of elimination of excessive Candida. Most of us can visualize a long, smooth, pink, healthy, colon. Yet the picture isn’t pretty when yeast is rampant: this time, visualize millions of white spots dotting the entire colon from top to end (each spot is a colony of rampant Candida organisms in an overgrowth state). How do these millions of colonies end up in your colon? Lymphocytes are the culprit; they are the taxicabs for Candida; picking them up, driving them throughout your bloodstream, into your organs, and ending the ride in your stool. That’s where the Candida congregate, leaning against the walls of your colon wall, and breaking through it and back into your bloodstream, where they go around for another toxic joyride at your expense. Quickly eliminating Lymphocytes from the colon can prevent this toxic re-circulation. Many recommend a daily enema series with essential oils to stop the issue at the largest breeding site, the colon. Consult your physician and certified Aromatherapist before using an enema series with essential oils.
Stay Committed:
Candida is difficult to treat once it becomes a widespread fungal infection. It requires a long-term commitment; dedication to maintaining and supporting optimal cellular and digestive health. Essanté Organics USDA organic essential oils are superior to use for Candida infections because of their: anti-fungal properties, ability to cleanse cells, use in restoring balance and function to receptor sites, tissue rebuilding qualities, blood cleansing abilities, and true value in increasing immunity and regenerating healthy flora in your gut.
What to do:
Remove the overgrowth of Candida, kill the fungus, eliminate the toxic byproducts, repair the colon and rebuild all affected tissue:
Optional Enema:Use these essential oils, sparingly, in a diluted enema blend that is approved by both your physician and certified Aromatherapist. This enema blend, once inside the colon, will provide instant and rapid absorption into the bloodstream, where the therapeutic oils will be carried throughout your entire body, thus eradicating the fungus. Ask your doctor and aromatherapist about the carrier to oil ratio to use and if this regime is best for you:
Once a day for the first 3-4 weeks then
Twice a week for the next 3 months
The above frequency is often recommended, to ensure the Candida infection does not return. Homemade ice cube suppositories may be recommended as well. Consult your certified Aromatherapist on how to make a proper, safe dilution. Use extreme caution with potent, therapeutic essential oils and dosages. Like pharmaceutical drugs, expert care must be used and over use can be dangerous.
Add 5 drops of each of the above essential oils into a carrier oil to create a bath oil. Do not add oils directly to bath water as they will sit on top of the water and may cause skin irritation. Your skin is the largest organ in the body and therapeutic oils will permeate the skin and enter the bloodstream as you bathe in them. In addition, you’ll be enjoying the benefits of aromatherapy (inhalation); this also allows the therapeutic benefits of each oil to enter your respiratory system and your bloodstream. This method offers great benefit for less severe cases or for people who do not wish to use an enema.
Enjoy therapeutic inhalation by using the “Attach-An-Oil” diffuser at The healing oils (listed above) will enter your respiratory system and then your bloodstream. This method offers great therapeutic benefit.
Consume alkaline diet choices:Add Essanté Organics immunity & antioxidant boosting Super Reds Powder, as well as alkalizing & cleansing Earth Greens Powder, to your diet. Double or triple the recommended daily dose for 3 months. Also test your pH level using an Essanté Organics pH Test Kit. If you are not alkaline (7.365 pH is the perfect alkaline level for humans) begin an alkalizing regime including Omega 3,6,9 oils, Calcium, Supreme pH Drops and Earth Greens Powder. Please refer to to view the extensive health benefits of our pH balanced nutritional products. Consider illuminating or reducing the intake of yeast feeding foods and beverages including: refined carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol.
Therapeutic Benefits of essential oils:Bergamot breaks down the toxic by-products and mucus formed by Candida. It assists in repairing damaged tissue. Bergamot is one of the strongest citrus essential oils, thus is aggressive in eliminating intestinal infections, in particular Candida. It is also excellent for intestinal parasites and herpes. Bergamot also uplifts the mood, relieves anxiety, relaxes away stress and elevates tension.
Lavender has strong anti-fungal properties and it aids in regenerating tissue. It is also excellent for reducing swelling, itching, burning and discomfort.
Lemongrass feeds healthy flora, regenerates tissue, and strengthens vascular walls. It cleanses, increases antioxidants, purifies the lymphatic system and reduces fluid retention.
Eucalyptus Globulus fights excessive yeast and other related intestinal issues, breaks down mucus produced by Candida, promotes rapid healing and purifies.
Tea Tree is a powerful fungal-infection fighting oil, specifically when it comes to yeast, cold sores and skin conditions. It is excellent for all types of illness.
Sanitizer contains ingredients, which are proven to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. It kills 99.99999% of Candida on contact. As you order Sanitizer, review the website information: all kill rates are listed on the Efficacy Sheet PDF located next to Sanitizer on the website at
WARNING: Not all essential oils can be used on children under 10 years of age. See age chart for safe essential oils for children. Not all essential oils should be used if you have a medical condition (for example epilepsy, high blood pressure, etc.). Consult your physician and aromatherapist to ensure the above oils are recommended.
Anemia is a medical condition and diagnosis, and per the FDA individuals who are not doctors are not permitted to use these terms. So let’s talk about iron deficiency and getting more iron into the diet. Iron-deficiency is most common among women, because menstruation depletes the body’s iron supply, and in turn, a body low in iron produces fewer and smaller red blood cells. There is less hemoglobin available, which also means there is less oxygen flowing through the blood, and this will leave the body feeling exhausted. Try natural whole food remedies for iron deficiency. It's easy to get back on track when you discover the top foods, richest in iron, which are included in several of our products. Foods with a high iron content can build the blood and correct iron-deficiency, including: dark leafy green vegetables, pomegranate, almonds, apricots, beans, bee pollen, beets, blackberries, blackstrap molasses, burdock root, cherries, eggs, figs, prunes, raisins, seaweeds, and lean red meat.
The best products, that are richest in iron are:
Bee Natural: due to the high iron in the B complex vitamins naturally found in Bee Pollen.
Earth Greens Powder/Capsules: due to the high iron content in the 5.5 pounds of of raw, non-heat pasteurized, dark leafy green nutrition.
Super Reds Powder: due to the high iron content in pomegranate and blackberries.
7.365 pH Shake: due to the high iron content in Quinoa (& almond milk if you blend with it).
Essential Oils: Lemon, Grapefruit, Peppermint, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Cinnamon.
Once you are on your Essential Oils page press "Control F" or "Command F". F stands for FIND. The search bar will appear at the edge of your screen. Key in what you're looking for, for example "Scalp Imbalances" or "Dry Eyes" or "Itchy Skin" or "sleep issues" or "sinus health" or "respiratory health". Remember, due to FDA regulations, companies are not permitted to use medical terms or diagnoses like Migraines, Pink Eye, Ulcers, Athlete's Foot, etc. Instead, type in general descriptive terms as shown in the example above. Once you click enter, the first oil that can offer healthy support, in relation to what you keyed in, will appear. Continue to click enter to see the second, third, & fourth oil that offers healthy support in relation to what you keyed in. Please use your FIND feature (Control F or Command F) to gain the answers your looking for instantly.
The FDA has not evaluated the statements on our website. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Hemorrhoids, anti-inflammatory and inflammation are medical conditions and due to FDA regulations corporate, nor Field Executives are legally permitted to use these terms, so let's talk about swelling and skin health. Essanté Organics USDA Organic Geranium and Bergamot Essential Oil can support healthy skin and can help with swelling.
Pink Eye is a medical condition and due to FDA regulations corporate, nor Field Executives are legally permitted to use this term, so let's talk about dry or irritated or itchy eyes and supporting proper eye health and function. The best Essential Oils to support eye health are Eucalyptus Lavender, Tea Tree, Frankincense and Coat of Armor. Lavender and Tea Tree are the only two Essential Oils that may be applied neat (directly to the irritated skin).
Insomnia is a medical condition and due to FDA regulations corporate, nor Field Executives are legally permitted to use this term so let's talk about sleep challenges, falling asleep quickly and restful deep sleep. The #1 Essanté Organics Essential Oil Blend than can support healthy sleep is Sweet Dreams. In addition, Mandarin Green is an excellent essential oil to use because it has sedative qualities. Neroli Oil is also excellent for sleep issues and high anxiety issues.
Sinusitis and allergies are medical conditions and due to FDA regulations corporate, nor Field Executives are legally permitted to use these terms so let's talk about sinus health. The #1 Essanté Organics Oil Blend that can support healthy sinus, histamine and respiratory function is Breathe Easy. We also recommend using Sanitizer and Laundry Liquid.
Testmonials are inside each product in the SHOP. Several are online too simply follow us on Facebook (see albums) at:
The FDA has not evaluated our Facebook testimonial statements. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Eczema is a medical condition and due to FDA regulations corporate, nor Field Executives are legally permitted to use this term so let's talk about products that promote healthy non-itchy, non-dry, non-blemished skin without rashes. Many have used Sanitizer with rave reviews in eliminating serious skin disorders and issues. See the Sanitizer Efficacy Sheet next to the product on your website. Alkalizing (becoming less acidic and more pH balanced) is also wise. Use our pH nutrition products to alkalize. Moving to products without harsh, skin irritants and toxins can clear skin quickly and easily. Choose products with key ingredients, with clinical studies showing dramatic results (see below). Essanté Organics Products use 100% certified Toxic Free, wild crafted and organic ingredients (see labels) and each ingredient is chosen by design, many of which may assist with dry, itchy, rash-like issues and serious skin disorders:
Stabilized Oxygen: in Sanitizer (most fungi and bacteria cannot live in stabilized oxygen)
Top Essential Oils: Lavender, Frankincense, Geranium, Rosemary (check this page for "essential oils safe for children / what ages". For example Lavender is safe for all ages from newborn up and it can be applied neat or directly to the skin).
Oat kernel extract: in our z3 Trio, Hollywood's Instant Toxic Free Facelift
Coconut oil: in most of our personal care products
Magnesium: in 7.365 pH Shakes and in our Body Bar soaps
Prebiotics: in Bee Natural
Beeswax: in Citrus Body Butter & Lip Balms
Calendula: in pHreshen Up Deodorant and our White Willow Body Bar soap (coming soon)
Jojoba Oil: it’s molecular structure is almost identical to our skin's natural oil.
Enjoy and share all the testimonials at www.Facebook.comEssanteOrganicsLLC - Albums. Testimonials and please post your own!
We recommend a daily routine with our Meal Plan Card and our top tummy buster products. See pH Nutrition 5 Day or 28 Day Evolution.A general rule is:
1200 calories / day = you'll weigh about 120 pounds
1300 calories / day = you'll weigh about 130 pounds
1400 calories / day = you'll weigh about 140 pounds
1500 calories / day = you'll weigh about 150 pounds
1600 calories / day = you'll weigh about 160 pounds....
Each 7.365 pH Shake should contain: 1 scoop of 7.365 pH Shake,1 scoop of Earth Greens, Supreme pH and water (or a low calorie nut or rice milk, etc.).
Here are more great ways to facilitate weight loss: do not eat anything after dinner, add physical activity into your daily routine and use Power-Pops (as directed on the label) to curb your appetite, increase your metabolism, suppress cravings and feel fuller. Use Earth Greens to cleanse.
No. Essanté Organics does not use Carrageenan in any products because it holds no nutritional value and human studies are inconclusive regarding its safety.
Carrageenan is a common processed food additive derived from Chondrus Crispus, a specific red algae seaweed also known as Irish Moss. It is found throughout the coasts of North America and Europe. Carrageenan has no nutritional value, yet it is used to thicken foods and improve their texture. It is most commonly found in ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, soy, rice & almond milks. Animal studies have linked both un-degraded carrageenan (the type used in food with a heavier molecular weight) as well as degraded carrageenan (the type not used in food) to ulcerations and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. All forms of carrageenan cause inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious diseases including IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. For these reasons Essanté Organics does not use carrageenan in any formulations. Continue reading below.
Un-degraded (food grade) Carrageenan Study: Prominent researcher, Joanne K. Tobacman, M.D., an associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, conducted studies linking un-degraded carrageenan (the type widely used in food) with stomach malignancies (cancerous stomach tumors) and other stomach problems. Continue reading below.
Un-degraded (food grade) and degraded Carrageenan Studies: Dr. Tobacman, a publisher of multiple peer-reviewed studies, noted the biological effects of all forms of carrageenan, and classified all forms as harmful to human health. In April 2012, she addressed the National Organic Standards Board with her findings urging reconsideration of the use of carrageenan in organic foods. She offered documentation showing all forms of carrageenan cause inflammation. In addition, Dr. Tobacman when processed foods containing carrageenan are consumed, typically enough is ingested to cause inflammation in the human body. Dr. Tobacman also reported drug investigators used carrageenan to cause inflammation in tissue in order to test the anti-inflammatory properties of new drugs. She also reported when laboratory mice are exposed to low concentrations of carrageenan for 18 days, they develop "profound" glucose intolerance and impaired insulin action, both of which can lead to diabetes. She maintains both types of carrageenan are harmful. Continue reading below.
Recommendation from Andrew Weil, M.D.: “All told, I recommend avoiding regular consumption of foods containing carrageenan. This is especially important advice for persons with inflammatory bowel disease”. Continue reading below.
Harmful or Harmless from Chris Kresser, Acupuncturist, Physician of Integrative Medicine: “ Carrageenan is especially common in non-dairy milks such as almond milk and coconut milk, which means that some people who transition to a Paleo diet might actually be increasing their exposure if they use these products. Food-grade carrageenan has not been shown to cause cancer in animal models. That doesn’t necessarily mean carrageenan is in the clear when it comes to cancer, but contrary to popular belief, it is not a known carcinogen. Carrageenan has produced intestinal damage in some animal studies. Observed effects in rats include epithelial cell loss, increased intestinal permeability, and diarrhea. Still, a more recent rat study found no ulcerations or lesions in the colon after 90 days of carrageenan administration. These studies suggest that the effects of carrageenan are highly species-dependent, which makes it more difficult to extrapolate these results to humans. There are a few other important considerations when determining how applicable these results are to humans. Many of these experiments administered the carrageenan through the animals’ drinking water as opposed to their food, which tends to increase the severity of the resulting symptoms. Because carrageenan interacts with protein molecules, consuming it as part of a solid food is much less harmful than consuming it in water. Experimental evidence on the effects of carrageenan in humans is extremely limited, for obvious ethical reasons. However, a few in vitro experiments have been conducted on isolated human intestinal cells. One study found that in intestinal epithelial tissue, carrageenan exposure increased the expression of two pro-inflammatory transcription factors. This reaction appears to be protective of the intestinal tight junctions, because suppression of either of the inflammatory factors resulted in increased permeability of the isolated epithelial tissue. Unfortunately, it’s unclear whether they used food-grade carrageenan rather than poligeenan in this experiment. Two similar studies that did use food-grade carrageenan also found that isolated intestinal epithelial tissue responded to carrageenan by up regulating inflammation. Another study on human intestinal epithelium found that undegraded carrageenan reduced the activity of many sulfatase enzymes, with potential negative ramifications for the function and vitality of the cell. Finally, another study found that exposing human intestinal epithelial cells to undegraded carrageenan in concentrations lower than what would be found in a typical diet caused increased cell death, reduced cell proliferation, and cell cycle arrest. These studies provide some support for the generalization of the animal studies to humans, implicating carrageenan in the potential for intestinal inflammation. However, it’s important to remember that not only were these studies in vitro (aka not in the human body), they also didn’t administer the carrageenan with any food, so the effects observed may differ significantly from what actually occurs when humans ingest carrageenan in a real-world setting. Conclusion: carrageenan has been frequently portrayed as significantly more harmful than is supported by available evidence. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not a known carcinogen, and although some studies implicate carrageenan in ulceration and inflammation, some show no adverse effects. However, I do still think caution is warranted. If I had to rank additives, I’d say carrageenan is a bit more concerning than some others because of its association with gut issues. Because the evidence isn’t conclusive either way, I recommend avoiding carrageenan, especially if you have a history of digestive problems.”
The FDA has not evaluated these statements.
No. We do everything on purpose here and have chosen a no-aftertaste Stevia by design. We spent tremendous income and resources formulating the most perfect and delicious shake in the world, 7.365 pH Shake. Interestingly, our CMO, Angie Levine, was not a fan of the flavor of Stevia either. Yet, inside of our Super Reds Powder and 7.365 pH shakes, its flavor is not apparent at all. Angie loves the taste of every Essanté Organics product containing Stevia... and she's picky! Essanté Organics uses the highest quality Stevia, which ensures zero detection and zero aftertaste. Essanté Organics uses Stevia for its many specific health benefits and properties, including:
1. Stevia increases energy levels and promotes an overall feeling of well being.
2. In some cultures, Stevia is used to balance blood
3. Stevia is the most alkaline sweetener in the world, there’s no better herb!
4. Stevia is even more alkaline than raw honey!
5. Stevia is a sweet leaf herb that scores a perfect zero on the glycemic index chart.
6. Stevia has zero calories and suppresses sweet cravings.
7. Stevia has been used medicinally for centuries.
8. Stevia’s sweet taste is not due to carbohydrate molecules, but non caloric molecules.
9. South American tribes use Stevia to combat diabetes and lower high blood sugar levels.
10. Stevia's glycosides are proven to be good for your teeth, gums and fighting tooth decay.
11. Stevia is good for your digestive system and promotes healthy flora.
12. Stevia can soothe an upset stomach and acidity.
13. Essanté Organics and Mother Nature agree; …Stevia is the best sweetner, period.
Enjoy the 7.365 pH Shake book with ingredient benefits and recipes located next to the shake inside "info/studies". We challenge anyone to dislike the taste of our products due to Stevia or any other ingredient. Try it first, we know you'll fall in love, yet.... If a customer decides they still don't like the taste, in spite of all the health benefits of Stevia, please ask them to enjoy the product first as well as our 30 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The guarantee is located at the base of the JOIN page or Quality Commitment page. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Hoodia (pronounced HOO-dee-ah) gordonii is a leafless, succulent plant, which contains medicinal properties. It grows indigenously in the semi-deserts of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola. Hoodia grows in thick, straight, prickly, arm-like clumps and its appearance resembles a cactus. Hoodia takes 5 long years to bloom. Once the light purple flowers appear, only then can the plant can be harvested using wild crafting methods.
Hoodia gordonii is known and marketed for its weight loss properties. Its extreme popularity rises from the San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert who began using hoodia thousands of years ago to keep from getting hungry during their long hunting excursions. The San Bushmen would cut the stem and suck or eat the bitter plant slowly, savoring its cucumber-like texture.
There are over a dozen unique hoodia plants yet only hoodia gordonii contains the active weight loss ingredient, a steroidal glycoside, termed p57.
History with a happy ending:
In 1937, a Dutch anthropologist studied the San Bushmen and noted they were using hoodia gordonii to suppress appetite.
In 1963, scientists at South Africa’s National Laboratory also known as The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), began studying hoodia, stating lab animals lost weight after ingesting hoodia gordonii.
In 1995, Phytopharm, a British company that has spent over $20 million researching and isolating the active ingredient in hoodia gordonii, named it p57 and patented it.
In 1998, Phytopharm sub-licensed the rights to develop p57 to Pfizer for $21 million dollars. Pfizer was initially interested in developing a hoodia drug, yet they returned the rights to hoodia back to Phytopharm.
In 2004, the September issue of Brain Research found that the appetite center of the brain in rodents that received p57 injections resulted in altered levels of ATP, an energy molecule that may affect hunger. The animals given p57 also ate less than those given the placebo.
In 2010, Phytopharm returned the rights of hoodia gordonii to South Africa’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSRI) where it is being further studied and developed in its native land. Phytopharm’s decision was based on a “corporate decision to exit the functional foods business”. Phytopharm felt it was a good business practice to return the rights to South Africa's National Laboratory (CSIR). The South African Sans people now receive 6% royalties from the sale of all products containing hoodia gordonii and they received 8% of the milestone payments CSIR received from Phytopharm.
Some believe those with diabetes should be cautious about using hoodia. One of the theories on how hoodia works is this: hoodia tricks the brain into believing it has enough blood sugar. Without proper regulation, it is possible a diabetic’s blood sugar could drop dangerously low while taking hoodia. As with all active ingredients, Hoodia may affect liver function and it may interact with other medications. It is important to consult your physician prior to beginning any weight loss program.Poper Pops do not contain Hoodia because it is an endangered species.
Robert Tisserand’s book Essential Oil Safety has very useful guidelines for using citrus oils and avoiding phototoxicity. The information below is directly from Robert’s book:Safe Use of Citrus Essential Oils Per Ounce of Carrier Oil:
According to the FDA we cannot legally refer to any diagnosis, including Bell's Palsy (commonly referred to as Bells Palsy) in relation to our products because our products are not drugs. So let's talk about a droopy / drooping / half numb / paralyzed / nerve damaged face. This can occur overnight and while it can be frightening and embarrassing to wake up this way, it is not life threatening nor does it have anything to do with a stroke. It is uncomfortable to experience yet many people have lived through a swollen or damaged facial nerve that controls the facial muscles including: Pierce Brosnan, Sylvester Stallone, George Clooney and Katie Holme's (the reason behind her signature smirk). Doctors believe in most cases, the facial nerve becomes inflamed from a viral infection, possibly the herpes virus, which also causes cold sores. As the virus spreads the body's response is inflammation, which in turn puts pressure on the facial nerves leading to a drooping eye or face, difficulty chewing, loss of taste, difficulty speaking, drooling, dry eyes, tearing eyes, pain around the ear, etc. Most physicians will prescribe a steroid and anti-viral medication for these symptoms, yet all prescriptions have adverse and sometimes extreme side effects. Essanté Organics safe, 3rd party tested, therapeutic essentials oils can be a holistic option if your physician and aromatherapist agree. Our therapeutic essential oils are a less expensive regime used to help increase immunity and help reduce swelling without adverse side effects. Use the following potent oils by diffusing them in a diffuser or diluting them in a carrier oil, like Jojoba oil, and applying them directly to the skin.
The FDA has not evaluated this statement. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Consult your physician and aromatherapist prior to using supplements or essential oils.
1. Essanté Organics 7.365 pH Shake, Super Reds Powder, Earth Greens Powder & Omega 3,6,9 Vital Oils would be in my daily regime, because nutrition fortifies the pregnant mom and it passes to the baby.
3. Essanté Organics Home Care products would be in my daily regime too, because toxic cleaning supply fumes transfer to the lungs, bloodstream and pass to the baby.
What you put in and on your body is a direct result of how your body will support you, at every stage of life. For this reason, it's best to avoid as many toxic ingredients as possible, when pregnant and at all times.
The definition of infused or suffused is to fill, imbue, penetrate, pervade, permeate, suffuse and/or spread through every part of. Thus our certified USDA Organic Helichrysum Oil is infused or suffused into our wildcrafted coconut carrier oil.
We start and end with only 2 ingredients:
First, our Corsica distiller harvests the entire Helichrysum plant at critical bloom, at 5am, prior to steam distilling. Second, our 100% organic Helichrysum oil is then combined with our 100% wildcrafted, fractionated coconut oil, and poured.
All roll-ons (infusions) include a fractionated carrier oil & the process is special:
Our distiller's fractionated process ensures our carrier oil does not separate, or coagulate in temperatures below 70 degrees. This process is not certified organic yet, however we are working on it. Our process begins with solid, certified USDA organic coconuts. Compounds are removed from the coconut, to move it into a constant liquid form. Nothing is added during this process, thus zero dilution and zero devaluation occurs. The organic coconut is warmed (not heated) in a drum warmer. Then, our Certified USDA Organic Helichrysum oil is added, with mixers and blenders, and finally it is poured.
The final result is the world's finest, purest, most potent, ready-to-apply:
1. Certified USDA Organic Helichrysum Infused in Wildcrafted Coconut Oil.
2. Certified USDA Organic Neroli Infused in Wildcrafted Coconut Oil.
According to the FDA only doctors can state diseases and diagnoses including shingles. So let’s talk about 5 natural remedies that help reduce swelling, lesions and discomfort associated with nerve and skin issues.
Gary S. Goldman Ph.D., a seasoned Research Analyst with the LA, California Varicella (Shingles) Active Surveillance Project, with funding from the CDC, reported higher rates of Shingles in Americans since the government’s 1995 recommendation that all children receive the chickenpox vaccine. The vaccine is is not mandatory, or proven, and many parents exercise their freedom of health choice by printing the online personal vaccine waiver and furnishing it to their child’s public or private school. Many researchers believe, since the mass use of the chickenpox vaccine began, there are signs of a Shingles epidemic underway. In addition, the lack of naturally occurring chickenpox (due to the vaccine) is resulting in Shingles occurring in younger people.
Shingles (herpes zoster or varicella-zoster virus) is a disease caused by the same virus responsible for chickenpox. 20% of adults who had childhood chickenpox will develop shingles. The 80% who had childhood chickenpox yet avoid adult onset shingles, likely have their strong immune systems and less stressful lifestyles to thank. Diseases including HIV and diabetes, and invasive medical protocols including chemotherapy, radiation and immunosuppressive drugs can also increase the risk of developing shingles.
Shingles lives in the spinal column and is an infection of the nerves, yet it often travels to the skin of the face and/or torso, where it can cause inflammation and extreme pain. It can remain dormant for decades. Shingles is a member of the same family of viruses that cause genital herpes and cold sores.
The vast majority of both shingles and chickenpox cases are uneventful and resolve themselves in about 4-6 weeks on their own, without any major complications. Yet occurrences of shingles around the eyes or forehead can cause blindness and therefore it’s imperative to consult an eye doctor immediately if an outbreak occurs near the eyes.
There are many, natural, non-invasive options to consider while the shingles virus runs it’s course.
5 natural remedies for poor immunity, swelling, pustules, discomfort, rashes, burning, blisters and nerve issues:
Purple Mountain Lavender & Oatmeal Bar: a warm bath once a day with this exceptionally soothing body bar can help reduce inflammation and discomfort and help improve broken skin.
Essential oils: Topical diluted applications of anti-viral USDA Organic lemon, sandalwood, peppermint, bergamot, grapefruit, tea tree, and lavender essential oils in USDA Organic Jojoba Carrier Oil can help significantly reduce swelling, pustules, and discomfort and help improve immunity and recovery time. See the catalog or FAQ for dilution recommendations.
Supplementation: Bee Natural are sweet tasting dissolvable tablets filled with immune boosting B and C Vitamins. And one small capsule of Essanté Organics Vitamin D daily can significantly improve immunity.
Reduce stress: this is one of the most important factors to overall health. Stress reduces your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses such as Shingles. Many outbreaks of Shingles occur after situations involving extreme stress.
Chiropractic adjustments: The Shingles virus resides in the spinal column, where it can remain dormant for decades. Misalignments of the spinal column are a strong factor in Shingles outbreaks and the duration of the virus. Chiropractic adjustments may dramatically speed up recovery time. Ask the President of Essanté Organics, Dr. Jonathan James Levine, about his extensive experience as a highly successful doctor of Chiropractic and leading expert in the field of organic products, and he will share how to best improve the health of the body through these means.
The word preservative has received a bad reputation, mainly because of the industrial chemical companies who create cheap, toxic preservatives to extend a product’s shelf life. Essante Organics receives many inquiries from discerning customers who want to know if preservatives are necessary, and if they are, do we use safe preservatives?
Being a company committed to certified ToxicFree® and organic products, you might be surprised to know Essanté Organics supports the use of healthy, safe, effective and proven preservatives, that come straight from Mother Nature, including the following list.
The following is a list of 100% all natural preservatives:
Yes. There are many healthy, antioxidant rich substances which deliver serious antibacterial, antimicrobial,and antifungal benefits. The substances listed above are proven to help slow or reduce many forms of bacteria, molds, fungi, and yeasts, when used in ideal concentrations and conditions.
All Essanté Organics products have a 2 year shelf life.
No. Here’s a fascinating fact: only personal care products that contain water need a preservative. Powdered, dry, and 100% oil products do not require a preservative.
Some ingredients, including honey, when used without the addition of water, are fully self-preserving.
Essanté Organics handmade USDA certified organic soap Body Bars (organic soaps) use rosemary as the preservative. Essanté Organics organic disinfectant Sanitizer, organic Baby Foam (shampoo and body wash) and Sparkle Organic Toothpaste Polish all use stabilized oxygen as the preservative. View stabilized oxygen's efficacy sheet online next to each product to see the 99.9% - 100% kill rate of all molds, fungi, bacteria and viruses listed. Essanté Organics USDA certified organic hairspray, Selfie Style, uses organic grain alcohol denatured with organic orange as the preservative. Many of our products use essential oils as preservatives.
Water is one of the most important, life creating and sustaining substances on earth. Thus, a product made with water that does not contain a preservative, would naturally breed mold, bacteria, fungi and yeasts. These living creatures flourish in a water-based environment, thus a preservative is needed, otherwise the unfit product could put the user at risk.
Even if the word water is not on the ingredient list, there are other ingredients that have water present, including organic aloe vera leaf juice, distillates and hydrosols (water infused with organic essential oils, herbs or botanicals).
The process of water contamination can happen quickly, in under two weeks, so Essanté Organics takes healthy ingredients, from Mother Nature, to preserve all products containing water, allow vera leaf juice, and infusions. An unpreserved product can fool even the best formulator. A product that has gone bad may look, smell and feel great, yet it can be teaming with dangerous microorganisms. Thus Essanté Organics micro-tests every product batch to ensure each is 100% free from bacteria, yeasts, fungi, molds and contaminants.
Our world renowned formulators conclude that:
1. Companies producing “preservative free” product(s) may not have access to expensive micro-testing equipment and thus are unable to test and certify their products as being free from yeasts, molds, bacteria, fungi and contaminants.
2. Companies producing “preservative free” product(s) may not be aware of labeling laws, that require all ingredients to be listed using the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) name. For example: Sucrose (Sugar). Or they may hide the preservative within an ingredient. For example: they may use an Aloe Vera Juice that is already preserved (contains a preservative), yet only disclose the Aloe Vera Juice, and not the preservative. Or they may break the law, and not not fully disclose their complete ingredient list, omitting the preservative(s). If a product passes micro testing, showing it has the amazing, broad-spectrum preservation abilities, yet their is not preservative ingredient lists,
3. Companies producing products with “healthy” preservatives could be using extracts in one or two ways: Healthy ingredients, used at the right percentage, can create an effective preservative option. Yet be aware some companies may use a high content of alcohol, which is very drying to the skin and hair and it can cause improper pH balance of the hair and skin. In addition some companies use “extracts” made in a propylene glycol or butyl glycol base and preserved with urea, parabens, or triclosan, yet they do not disclose the processing of the extract, making it appear to be preservative free.
4. Companies producing “preservative free” product(s) may be using ingredients that do not require preservatives. As we explained above, a product that does not contain water does not require preservatives.
Essanté Organics does NOT use preservatives where it is not necessary. Essanté Organics only uses Mohter Nature’s preservatives when water, or an ingredient infused with water is present in the formula. Essanté Organics natural preservatives are certified and do not contain any additional preservatives.
Any company can create their own certification yet self-certifications, and the means by which the company certifies their own product(s), is not regulated. Essanté Organics:
Many companies also choose to take advantage of the unregulated use of the above legal loop holes to make their product appear safe when it may not be.
Yes. Essanté Organics was established in 2009 and is proud to share that Sparkle Toothpaste Polish is a top 5 best seller within the entire product line. Essanté Organics toothpaste receives rave reviews and testimonials, several which are featured below and more are online inside "albums" at Essanté Organics toothpaste is certified ToxicFree®, assuring every user, from infant to elderly it is 100% free from all harmful, health-impairing chemicals and toxins including fluoride. The safe and effective ingredients in Essanté Organics toothpaste kill the bacteria that cause plaque, gum disease, gingivitis, infections and cavities. Essanté Organics toothpaste contains Stabilized Oxygen; the safest, most powerful, FDA approved, active, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial ingredient on earth. Essanté Organics uses safe BPA free containers, has a strict no animal testing policy, and all products also showcase the Essanté Organics trademark: Leaves Green Footprint®. For details on what Essanté Organics stands for visit Quality Commitment on the website. All Essanté Organics ingredients are 100% non-GMO plant or mineral derived. See the label for all toxic free and organic toothpaste ingredients.
pH balanced, ToxicFree®, and Organic Toothpaste Ingredients in Sparkle Tooth Polish:
Organic Vegetable Glycerine / Glycerin / Glycerol (all 3 scientific terms are interchangeable and refer to the same ingredient) is a certified ToxicFree® humectant that keeps toothpaste polish moist, and adds a pleasant sweet flavor. Essanté Organics obtains all glycerine from non-GMO vegetable sources, versus the more common sourcing practice from animal by-products. Clinical studies show vegetable glycerine is soluble in water and does not cause demineralization of the teeth as bleaching agents do (demineralization occurs when the pH balance of plaque is lowered). Glycerine is not acidic it a base, and an excellent ingredient choice clinically proven to help improve overly sensitive teeth.
Sodium Chlorite (Stabilized Oxygen) is by far nature’s and scientist’s safest, most powerful, and number one antimicrobial on earth. See Essanté Organics Stabilized Oxygen Antimicrobial Efficacy Sheet (on line) for a list of all the bacteria, fungi, and viruses it kills including strep, staph, Salmonella, Hep C, HIV, E Coli, Candida, Herpes and more. Essanté Organics Sodium Chlorite is certified ToxicFree®, FDA approved, and it breaks down into a form of table salt.
Calcium Carbonate is a certified ToxicFree® mineral that delivers strong cleaning power to help remove stains and plaque, as well as polish teeth. Calcium carbonate provides enough abrasion to remove plaque and stains, yet protects and keeps tooth enamel in tact. Note: minerals cannot be classified as organic.
Sorbitol is a certified ToxicFree®, non-GMO, slow-metabolizing glucose derived from fruit or seaweed. It adds a healthy sweetness and sustains a good pH balance in the mouth. It does not lower the pH of plaque like sugar, which causes the demineralization of tooth enamel.
Organic Mentha piperita (Peppermint) Oil Essanté Organics begins with fresh, organic mint leaves and applies a proprietary triple distillation process. This extra step yields a very smooth, refreshing, sweet taste and scent, especially compared with most sharp, harsh peppermint tastes from processed leaves sprayed with pesticides. Essanté Organics' organic peppermint ingredient holds a multitude of scientifically proven properties including: analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-viral.
Xylitol is a certified ToxicFree® natural sugar found in plums, strawberries, raspberries, and birch trees. Essanté Organics sources all Xylitol from non-GMO birch trees. Xylitol replaces synthetic saccharine that can cause health issues. Xylitol also replaces sugars that can lead to tooth decay. Xylitol helps prevent cavities by inhibiting the growth of bacteria, including Streptococcus.
Organic Xanthan Gum is a natural gum plant thickener that thickens Essanté Organics toothpaste and helps keep Sparkle Tooth Polish moist for a 2-year shelf life.
Organic Stevia is an unrefined powder Essanté Organics derives from dried, organic, green stevia leaves. It is an extremely useful herb in oral hygiene formulations, and is one of the organic Sparkle Toothpaste Polish ingredients. Essanté Organics uses grade A organic stevia, due to it’s highly effective antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Research shows organic stevia can stop dental decay and bleeding gums when used for an extended period of time, primarily due to its capability to kill bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum diseases. Tooth decay and gum diseases are the two most common problems faced by diabetics, therefore using organic stevia in Sparkle Toothpaste Polish is said to be beneficial for diabetic patients. Organic stevia is multi advantageous because it provides zero-calorie sweetness and oral health benefits. Medidart® shares organic stevia’s vast health benefits including its ability to help aid in: diabetic control, weight loss, blood pressure regulation, oral health, bone health, skin health and more. These benefits go a long way in motivating some of us to brush with Essanté Organics Sparkle Toothpaste Polish more than the average 2 times per day. In addition, Essanté Organics selects and uses the finest quality organic stevia on earth, because it does not have an aftertaste as lower grade stevia typically does.
Decyl Glucoside is a pure, certified ToxicFree® coconut derived glucose cleanser that creates a foam which traps Essanté Organics Sparkle Toothpaste Polish onto the gums and teeth long enough to provide powerful antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory actions.
RDA rating of Sparkle Toothpaste Polish, the #1 choice for sensitive teeth:
Teeth become sensitive when tooth enamel is worn away, and the permeable tooth layer below, known as dentin, is exposed. Many toothpastes are overly abrasive and actually strip away tooth enamel, which may not grow back. The 1st protocol a dentist will recommend for patients with sensitive teeth is a less abrasive toothpaste. Abrasiveness in toothpaste is measured in RDA units or Relative Dentin Abrasivity. This table demonstrates the RDA rating of Sparkle Toothpaste Polish and other toothpaste brands:
Sparkle Tooth Polish
Tom's of Maine
Colgate Platinum
Aquafresh Whitening
Tooth enamel and gums:
Tooth enamel is much like a catacomb of conduit. It conveys nutrients between the outside and the inside of the tooth. Brushing your teeth with Essanté Organics Sparkle Toothpaste Polish, 2-3 times daily helps to prevent plaque & cavities, freshen breath, and restore healthy gums (bleeding gums can be a precursor of heart disease). In addition, Essanté Organics certified ToxicFree® Sparkle Toothpaste Polish formula helps keep tooth enamel safe and restores greater oral health, which is paramount to your body’s overall ability to prevent serious diseases. It's important to avoid neurotoxic and carcinogenic toothpaste ingredients to assist your body’s overall ability to sustain helath.
No Fluoride (why Essanté Organics does not use it) :
Most USA toothpastes on the market contain fluoride, despite the many documented health alerts and toxic effects it has on the human body. Some countries have banned fluoride due to a mass number of health risks. Every toothpaste containing fluoride carries this fluoride warning label on the toothpaste box: WARNING Keep out of the reach of children. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately. If irritation occurs discontinue use.
No Triclosan (why Essanté Organics does not use it):
Many toothpastes on the market today contain triclosan, despite the many cancer alerts associated with this dangerous ingredient. Researchers have proven triclosan, a commonly used antibacterial, can react with chlorinated water to produce chloroform gas. If inhaled in large enough quantities, chloroform can cause depression, liver issues and cancer.
No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or SLS or SLES (why Essanté Organics does not use it):
99% of all toothpastes on the market today contains SLS, a toxic and synthetic industrial strength chemical foaming agent (detergent). Research has proven SLS causes:
1) the break down of protein / gum tissue
2) inflammation of gums
3) gastrointestinal or liver toxicity
4) recurrent painful mouth ulcers (almost 20% of population suffers with these)
5) cell membranes to dissolve & is used in labratories to expose DNA
No Propylene Glycol (why Essanté Organics does not use it):
Many toothpastes contain Glycols which are harsh solvents proven to break down gum tissue and are a potential culprit in increasing gum disease.
No Artificial Colors or Flavors (why Essanté Organics does not use these):
Research shows “flavoring” is a way companies can hide cheap, toxic fillers without disclosing them to the consumer.
“I’ve had severe gum issues since high school. I’ve tried everything & done all the right stuff like brushing & flossing. I almost had no gums left on my top & lost half on bottom. After Essanté Organics Sparkle I started to see a huge improvement on my gums. After 3 weeks, I have 70 % back on bottom and 50% back on my top! I didn't know receding gums could be reversed but my gums are growing back. And my girls have always had a yellow tint to their teeth, and now their teeth are white. All of us see tartar being removed!"
Wendy A.
"I went to the dentist for my 6 Month cleaning & I got the best report ever, both my hygienist & dentist said they couldn't believe how much I improved over a 6 month period. My gums were stronger, no deep pockets & very little calcium build up. They ask me what I changed. I told them I started using Essanté Organics Sparkle Tooth Polish / Toothpaste. He took a stack of my business cards & started passing them out to his staff and said he has patients that can really use Sparkle. I am a happy girl.”
Barbara B.
"Before I started using Essanté Organics Sparkle my two front teeth had white scratches. After using Sparkle for a few months, the discolored marks are totally gone!! I cannot explain how clean my mouth & teeth feel! I love Essanté Organics Sparkle Toothpaste & everything about Essante Organics!!"
Karla D.
“I’d been using Sensodyne for years because of sensitive teeth. I switched to Essanté Organics Sparkle and it was just as good or better. No sensitive teeth."
Cynthia F.
“I met a man using Rembrandt as a "natural organic" toothpaste. He wanted a sample of Essanté Organics Sparkle. I checked to see how he liked it. His words exactly, "I am switching my toothpaste, because it works better than Rembrandt & costs less.”
Elitia M.
“I’ve tried different toxic free toothpaste brands, but they DO NOT measure up. My mouth is cleaner and my gums absolutely love Essanté Organics Sparkle the best!"
Kerry C.
"Finally! A toothpaste our little girl ASKS for! Essante Organics Sparkle."
Dianne W.
"I have noticed my teeth getting whiter & my gums don’t feel sore like when I used regular toothpaste. I've been using Essanté Organics Sparkle for 35 days & we still have yet to use half a tube. That is great news, because it saves my family money & their health."
Nathan N.
"I've been using Essanté Organics Sparkle Tooth for a week & a half now. All I can say is WOW! My teeth feel cleaner & are less sensitive now. My Essanté Organics Sparkle Aha moment: Typically a few days after a cleaning, my teeth are sore & my gums bleed a little while brushing. I had my cleaning 2 days ago & my teeth haven't been sore at all & my gums haven't bled while brushing. As with MANY of Essanté Organics products, Sparkle has become a staple in our household.”
Armando C.
"When I would brush my teeth with "brand x" the flavor of things I would eat or drink afterwards wouldn't be good. Today I brushed with Essanté Organics Sparkle & went downstairs where hubby had left 1/2 of a peach for me. I thought it wouldn't taste right after having just brushed, but I was delightfully surprised the peach tasted like a peach. Thanks Essanté Organics for not polluting my mouth."
Cheryl H.
"I noticed after Essanté Organics Sparkle my gums felt good and I liked the taste. The peppermint was so clean tasting and fresh, & I didn’t have a coating on my teeth, mouth or throat the way I did with other toothpastes, even “natural” ones. I’m totally sold on Essanté Organics Sparkle & don’t plan on every going back to any other brand. Not when I can get ALL my other organic products at the same place too!"
Diana E.
In the morning, after each meal, and before bed apply Essanté Organics Sparkle Toothpaste Polish to your toothbrush and brush each tooth in a circular motion. Brush the sides and the surface of each tooth. Brush above and below the gum line, paying special attention to the far back teeth. Brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth thoroughly, to remove the bacteria that also live on these surfaces. Rinse. Smile often.
Post this FAQ answer on Facebook. Now that’s genius!
Licensed aromatherapists share Tea Tree essential oil and Jojoba carrier oil are both the best essential oils for healthy skin and may support rashes and itchy, bumpy, blemished, red, swollen skin. Tea Tree and Lavender are the only essential oils that may be applied directly to the skin without the use of a carrier oil. Jojoba carrier oil may be applied directly to the skin without dilution as well, and its fatty acid profile is almost identical to the fatty acid profile of human skin. Or consider adding 5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil to a 1 oz Sanitizer bottle and mist skin.
According to PubMed, the following 4 essential oils can be applied to open skin wounds in order to help facilitate the healing process.
The only essential oils that can be applied neat (directly without dilution) on open wounds, sores, cuts, bites, lacerations, incisions, etc. are :
1. Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
2. Lavender (Lavandula anguvstifolia)
1. Essanté Organics Certified USDA Organic Tea Tree (Melaleuca) may be the best essential oil used for open wound care and healing, due to its powerful anti-microbial and cleansing properties, according to PubMed medical studies including:
2. Essanté Organics Certified USDA Organic Lavender (Lavandula anguvstifolia) may be the best essential oil used to speed up the healing process of wounds, cuts, burns, sunburns, open skin ulcers, episiotomy surgeries, and to reduce the pain associated with these issues, due to its ability to improve scar tissue, according to PubMed medical studies including:
3. Essanté Organics Certified USDA Organic Frankincense (Boswellia rivae) may be the best essential oil (to dilute with a carrier oil like Jojoba Oil) and then use for open wound, carcinoma radiotherapy, and contact dermatitis healing due to its effective antiseptic, disinfectant and germ elimination properties, plus it can protect wounds from becoming infected and septic, according to PubMed medical studies including:
4. Essanté Organics Roll-On Ready Organic Helichrysum Suffused in Coconut Oil may be the best essential oil, already diluted in a carrier oil of Coconut Oil and ready to roll-on, to use for open and persistent wound infections, due to its antibiotic properties and its ability to protect wounds from becoming infected or septic, according to PubMed medical studies including:
5. If your medical doctor agrees, consider adding 5-10 drops of your favorite single essential oil(s) listed above to Essanté Organics 1 oz Sanitizer and spray skin and all surfaces you come in contact with, as needed. Essanté Organics Sanitizer has the safe active ingredient of Stabilized Oxygen and the efficacy sheet and study of this powerful ingredient shows the time lapse kill rate of many viruses, fungi and bacteria including MRSA, Staph, E Coli, Strep and more. The Stabilized Oxygen Efficacy Sheet is posted next to the product on the website and here for your convenience:
Disclaimer: Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Consult your licensed medical provider and licensed aromatherapist before using any product on the body and before making any changes to any diet, supplement or exercise regime.
Folic acid, a more popular term for folate, is vitamin B9, an essential water-soluble B vitamin naturally found in certain citrus fruits, dark leafy green vegetables, and legumes. Water soluble means the body does not store it. Essanté Organics uses natural folate from citrus, vegetables and legumes as their source of folic acid in all products. Essanté Organics does not formulate products with synthetic vitamins, instead our vitamins are sourced from whole food nutrition, making them more bio-absorbable. Vitamin B9 (or folic acid or folate) is important for many bodily functions, including the synthesis of DNA and RNA, the conversation of carbohydrates into fuel, the production of energy, and the balancing of both mental and emotional brain health. It is recommended for pregnant women, and women who may become pregnant, to fortify their diet with a folic acid supplement to help prevent severe birth defects including spina bifida. Folic acid (folate) supplementation is also recommended for people with nutritional absorption deficiencies, including Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease, and IBS. The University of Maryland Medical Center shares vitamin B9 seems to work with vitamins B6 and B12 and other nutrients to protect against the development of some forms of cancer (including colon cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, and stomach cancer). Synergistically these B vitamins may also help control blood levels associated with heart disease, reduce the risk of age-related hearing and vision loss, and decrease depression. The University of Maryland Medical Center also shares it is fairly common to have low levels of folic acid because alcoholism, nutritional absorption diseases and certain medications can cause folic acid deficiency. This deficiency can lead to poor growth, tongue inflammation, gingivitis, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, diarrhea, irritability, forgetfulness and mental sluggishness. Popular Essanté Organics supplements that contain natural folic acid (folate) are KidsPops, Bee Natural and 7.365 pH Protein Shake.
It's also important to note Essanté Organics uses wildcrafted ingredients in many products due to their pureness, hardiness and extraordinarily rich nutritional composition. Wildcrafted plants, herbs, roots, barks, berries, nuts, etc. are not planted in rows or hothouses, nor are they irrigated with metal or plastic piping, nor are they given city treated water or organic fertilizers. Botanicals which grow in their indigenous area, find their own natural water, nutrient, and mineral sources by growing a far deeper root structure, thus they are often far more nutrient and mineral dense when compared to most organically farmed botanicals which are not typically allowed the opportunity to grow as nature intended. Wildcrafted ingredients are not considered organic because the indigenous cultivation of the ingredient is not regulated by any organic certifying agency, thus wildcrafted ingredients (and products containing more than 5% of wildcrafted ingredients) cannot be certified organic.
Essanté Organics products, including Body & Spa products, are certified by each individual ingredient, especially where the ingredient list is long and extensive. Less complex products, products with short ingredient lists (including single essential oils, it doesn't get shorter than 1 ingredient) are often certified as a complete product. Products with minerals cannot be certified organic.
Every TRUE bar of soap must initially form by using lye (sodium hydroxide) and mixing it with liquid, in our case certified organic oils. Any skin cleanser made without sodium hydroxide is a detergent, not a soap. While all real soap must be made with lye, no lye remains in our finished product after saponification (described below).
At Essanté Organics we take certified organic oils and turn them into gentle, yet high performance, organic cleansing soaps which deliver health benefits. The process of turing oils into soap is called saponification (making soap). First, our soap is boiled in organic grain alcohol and raw organic sugars to form a bar that is as clear as glass.
Essanté Organics soap is made from certified organic essential oils and an alkaline solution. The oil and the alkali must be in perfect balance to create the perfect bar of soap.
Bar soaps have been made for hundreds of years. Just like boiling water and creating fire, saponifying oil and fat into soap is one of the oldest and most simple chemical reactions produced by humans. The very first soaps were discovered accidentally, when fat dripped from the spit into the ashes of cooking fires. In those days, the alkali solution to make soap consisted of rainwater that was filtered through the ashes of hardwoods. In Africa and in the South Pacific coconut husk and plantain ashes were used to make a hydroxide solution. In New England maple ashes were used to make a hydroxide solution. Later, thankfully, the age of electricity was born. Today, bar soaps, including Essanté Organics body bar soaps, are made from the solution created when electricity is run through salt water (sodium hydroxide).
Essanté Organics oils are carefully chosen, specifically for the qualities each organic oil imparts to the final certified organic body bar soap. Certified organic coconut oil is chosen for its ability to create a great amount of healthy glycerin, which makes rich bubbly lather and is very healthy for the skin. Certified organic olive oil is chosen for its high content of natural antioxidants and its ability to create creamy lather.
Un-saponified oils are called free fatty acids. Use too many fatty acids, and the soap will not lather or last. Excess alkali (called free alkali) is harsh and drying and irritating to the skin. Approximately 1 out of 4 bar soaps on the market contain harsh free alkali. It’s when oil and alkali fail to merge chemically that alkali salts (sodium hydroxide and oxygen) are left in the product. Alkali salts have a high pH and they over dry and irritate the skin.
Essanté Organics uses certified organic oils and zero leftover free alkali remains in our soaps. This why our handmade, cold-pressed body bar soaps are extremely mild and why they pass inspection and are certified organic to USDA organic standards by credentialed organic certifiers including Vermont Organic Farmers.
Essanté Organics Body Bar Soaps do not contain: alkali salts (sodium hydroxide), alcohol, artificial ingredients, preservatives or toxic chemicals of any kind. Remember Essanté Organics Body Bar Soaps are certified organic, unless minerals are present (minerals cannot be classified as organic).
Essante’ Organics bar soaps are made using a modern version of a three hundred year-old european method:
First, certified organic oils of Palm, Coconut, Olive and Palm Kernel are blended and mixed at exact cold-processing temperatures with an alkali solution made from running electricity through salt water. The batch is mixed for hours, allowing it to thicken slowly. Once the batch is ready organic botanicals, herbs, spices and grains are added. In some bars minerals are added. Afterwards, the batch is poured into wooden molds and kept warm for about three days. As the soap solidifies, alkali salts rise to the top like cream. Around the fourth day the soap, in solid mass block form, is removed from the molds. All alkali salts are fully skimmed and removed. Once this process is complete the large bars are cut into individual bars and placed on stainless steel drying screens and cured for three more weeks. Each certified organic ingredient on the label is noted with an asterisks (*) and the completed end product is also certified organic by organic certifiers (credentialed, non-biased, 3rd party, USDA organic approved certifiers). This process produces the mildest, most deeply moisturizing soaps in the world, soaps that last twice as long as conventional bar soaps, and soaps that pass strict scrutiny and meet all certified organic criteria, ensuring every bar is 100% free from toxins.
USDA Organic Nourish Mint Lip Balm - is made with organic peppermint oil and organic spearmint oil, which both come from the flowering herb tops, giving this organic lip balm the flavor of cool and minty freshness.
USDA Organic Pomegranate Paradise Lip Balm - is made with pomegranate extract from the peel, giving this organic lip balm the flavor of potent, ripe pomegranate fruit.
USDA Organic Raspberry Burst Lip Balm - is made with flash-freeze-dried raspberry powder from red raspberries, giving this organic lip balm the flavor of potent, ripe raspberry fruit.
USDA Organic Root Beer Float Lip Balm - is made with root beer extract which includes organic raw cane sugar, unsulphured molasses, 15 herbs and spices, hops, lemon juice, and citric acid (from citrus). This special combination gives this organic lip balm the flavor of a deliciously creamy organic root beer float. Imagine we served it to you in your favorite ice cream parlor on a hot day.
USDA Organic Strawberry Kiss Lip Balm - is made with organic strawberry powder from organic flash-freeze-dried strawberries, giving this organic lip balm the extra organic goodness with every strawberry kiss.
USDA Organic Vanilla Bean Lip Balm - is made with organic vanilla bean extract from superior organic vanilla beans. This extract is comprised of several components that work together to give this organic lip balm a rich, smooth, long-lasting organic vanilla flavor.
Bee Natural a prebiotic.
When it comes to prebiotics and probiotics it is important to understand the similarities and differences. Both are components of food and each one plays a crucial role in supporting human gut health. ProbioticsProbiotics are LIVING “warrior” microorganisms found in bacteria, yeast or fungi. Health experts refer to these living “warrior” prebiotic microorganisms as “good bacteria.” For these good bacteria to survive they MUST be fed “prebiotic” ingredients and foods. Prebiotics Prebiotics are the healthy ingredients and foods that scientifically provide nutrition to and keep our body’s “warriors” inside the gut (probiotics) alive and strong. Honey Honey, in Bee Natural, is a known prebiotic, because it contains compounds that can serve as food for the naturally occurring, healthy intestinal bacteria. Ingesting Bee Natural can boost the levels of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, because honey (and the other ingredients in Bee Natural) can feed the health bacteria in the human gut. Enjoy the multiple PubMed articles outlining this excellent prebiotic. shares that honey's ability to serve as a prebiotic hinges on its ability to increase the levels of bacteria in your intestines. The ability of honey to serve as a prebiotic has been examined in cell cultures and in mice. A research project funded by the National Honey Board found that Bifidobacteria cells, a strain of bacteria often found in the intestines, grew more rapidly when honey was added to their media. A 2006 article in "Complementary and Alternative Medicine" also found that feeding honey to mice increased the levels of healthy bacteria in their guts. PropolisPropolis, in Bee Natural, is a known prebiotic. The prebiotic properties of propolis directly contribute to normalizing the body’s intestinal microflora. Propolis does this by inhibiting the development of pathological intestinal microflora. The best part is propolis has virtually no effect on the life of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Resulting in the activation of the growth of normal intestinal microflora and the restoration of natural proportions of intestinal microflora. Bee PollenBee pollen, in Bee Natural, while low in calories, is abundant in proteins. Bee pollen is known for its antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, radiation-protective, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, prebiotic, anti-aging, and organ supportive properties. “Bee pollen could be used as a potential feed additive with prebiotic activity to the poultry diet” according to this NCGBI Study